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Many people think about building muscles as abandoning life outside the gym and devoting hours in the gym like a monk in a monastery. Perhaps the only way to chisel the body into a hot muscular physique is by toiling hour by hour over the rusty iron day in, day out and year in, year out.

This need not be so. Although hard work is truly required, extreme fitness demands one to be a slave of the iron weights. Full-body work outs can make one progress and it easily fits in one's schedule. This is very convenient if one is looking forward to achieving extreme fitness but finds it hard to hold on to a single work out routine.

Genuine full-body work outs done by athletes with an aim in mind makes for maximum muscle contraction using heavy weights, makes room for full recovery so one can actually grow and continue to train hard plus it also prevents burnout which is inevitable due to excess training.

So if one is ready for extreme fitness, here is all there is to know about full body work out:

Full-body work out is a time saver. The biggest plus about having the whole body trained all at once is probably having to go to the gym less frequently; perhaps around two to three times for every seven days would be enough. 

Another advantage of working out the entire body all at once is that one need not spend two or more hours of strenuous exercise in the gym for every session; one only spends one hour in the gym for every session. So that's just three to four hours per week in the gym right? With full-body work outs, it is all about the quality of exercise one does for session and not the quantity, nor even the amount of time you allot per session.

Full-body work out boosts the cardiovascular system for extreme fitness. One must allot two to four sets for every body part into the one hour session. Jam packed with exercising, each one hour session then gets the heart and the rest of the cardiovasular system pumping and up to speed in a flash. 

Now feeling pumped up, next find out what rules does one have to follow when engaging in full-body work outs:

Training commences only once every two to three days. This is so easy isn't it? What is great about this is that there is time spared during rest days so that one can indulge in a few cardio exercise sessions instead of depending on cardio execises one normally does at the end of each work out session which after all, are not at all very effective.

Heavy lifting is strongly advised. Contrary to popular belief, especially among athletes. It is not true that it is good to get trapped on training lightly than one actually could so as to conserve energy for the other body parts that will come later in the routine. What is true is that one cannot achieve optimal progress if one is not training heavy, no matter which program that person is doing.

One exercise only per muscle group. This is very easy to follow and is also important. Doing basic exercises which are also intense means you do not have to do another different exercise for that body part.

Keep work out short. Resistance training affects the natural homones of the body connected to muscle building. Intense exercising boosts the testosterone levels and long work outs increase those of catabolic cortisol. Sixty minutes of work out allows you to get the best of both worlds. 

Now with this convenient and powerful work out regimen, one can now truly experience extreme fitness.

Board - A beginner should have a board that has a beveled edge (so the edges don’t catch as easily), has a little flexibility, and is sort of hourglass-shaped like a maxi-pad, so that it is relatively easy to turn.
Boots - The most important thing is that the boot always moves with your foot. Since the boot is bound to the board and you are controlling it with your feet, if your foot moves within the boot, your foot movement will not translate into board movement.

boot, heel, board, snowboard, foot, tie, pants, hooks, warm, jacket, gloves, hooks tie, strap, , , hooks tie hook, control, heel boot

Article Body:
Board - A beginner should have a board that has a beveled edge (so the edges don’t catch as easily), has a little flexibility, and is sort of hourglass-shaped like a maxi-pad, so that it is relatively easy to turn.
Boots - The most important thing is that the boot always moves with your foot. Since the boot is bound to the board and you are controlling it with your feet, if your foot moves within the boot, your foot movement will not translate into board movement. Make sure you get good boots.
1. The boot should be snug from toe to heel
2. When you lift your heel while standing, your heel should not move up inside the boot. That is, the heel should not come up off the floor of the boot. Raising your heel should raise the heel of the boot too and should not make a space between your heel and the boot.
3. You should not be able to rotate your foot or ankle with respect to the boot when the boot is wedged or pinned in a stationary position. Loose boots may be a problem for women renting men’s boots; their feet tend to be narrower.
Boots with dense, form-fitting foam in the heel solve problems (2) and (3). The foam is a part of the inside of the boot and protrudes into the recess of your Achilles’ tendon so that when your heel comes up, it catches on the foam and the boot comes up too. Don’t leave the rental equipment desk until you are happy - it could mean the difference between having control of your board and not having control of your board.
Helmet - You’ll want a helmet with good visibility that doesn’t block your peripheral vision, and one which doesn’t deafen you so you can hear skiers and riders approach from the sides and behind. Different countries have different safety certification names. So, if it is made in Europe, it might say CE. If it is made in the US it might say Snell. They are made to crack so your head doesn’t. Replace your helmet if the inside or outside becomes cracked.
Lacing up & Strapping in
Boots have lace holes and hooks. Pull hard on the laces when you lace them through the holes. Before hooking the laces through each set of hooks, tie them (like you tie your sneakers, except stop before you make a bow). After hooking the lace on the top hooks, tie them, then hook them through the bottom-most hooks again, tie them. Then hook them through the top-most hooks again and tie them in a bow. It is obvious where you put your feet on the board. The strap bindings look like sandals, except with a support for behind your ankle. Put your foot in - make sure your heel is all the way back, touching the support. Strap the ankle strap first, then the toe strap. Make sure you get them very tight. To walk around on flat ground, unstrap your tail foot. You'll feel awkward for a while. Don't sweat it. It goes away.
your clothing should be warm, non-restrictive, water-resistant, and breathable.
Attire - Wear something you can move around in. Pants that are moderately tight, which work for skiing, won’t work for snowboarding. You’ll be bending your knees a lot more and twisting and squatting and balancing, so you won’t want restrictive clothing. Your jacket should significantly overlap your pants so you don’t get snow around your waist. So either gets a long jacket that goes well below the top of your pants, or a normal-length jacket with tall ski pants underneath that cover your abs. I opted for the latter: tall ski pants ($29 USD) that looked and felt one size too large and nylon down jacket ($59 USD). I was dry, warm, and happy. Everything that touches snow must be water resistant. The lining and layer underneath don’t matter much as long as they don’t retain sweat. COTTON IS BAD. Chenille, fleece, or wool is good. Gore-tex is very good. You really don’t have to spend a fortune, but you must spend enough to be warm, breathable, and water-resistant (read the clothing labels).
Socks - Wear only ONE pair of socks: Ideally, thick long acrylic socks with a very loose weave (turn 'them inside out to check).
Gloves - Get really warm, waterproof gloves - long ones that extend over the wrists of your jacket. Get gloves you feel comfortable in - not ones that make you feel like you’re wearing the claws of a giant bear suit costume. You want gloves in which you can EASILY make a fist, for reasons I’ll explain in a minute. They make warm, non-bulky gloves these days.
Goggles or glasses with polycarbonate lenses ($25 USD); these won’t shatter when you fall.
Scarf - tied securely, or turtle fur (a pull-over cylindrical thingy for your neck)
I was going down a steeper part of the mountain toeside, and I reached out in front of me and touched the slope with my hand and felt it as it went by.

Are all personality disorders the outcomes of frustrated narcissism?


Article Body:
Are all personality disorders the outcomes of frustrated narcissism?
During our formative years (6 months to 6 years old), we are all "narcissists". Primary Narcissism is a useful and critically important defense mechanism. As the infant separates from his mother and becomes an individual, it is likely to experience great apprehension, fear, and pain. Narcissism shields the child from these negative emotions. By pretending to be omnipotent, the toddler fends off the profound feelings of isolation, unease, pending doom, and helplessness that are attendant on the individuation-separation phase of personal development.

Well into early adolescence, the empathic support of parents, caregivers, role models, authority figures, and peers is indispensable to the evolution of a stable sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Traumas and abuse, smothering and doting, and the constant breach of emerging boundaries yield the entrenchment of rigid adult narcissistic defenses.

In my book "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited", I defined pathological narcissism thus:
"Secondary or pathological narcissism is a pattern of thinking and behaving in adolescence and adulthood, which involves infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of others. It manifests in the chronic pursuit of personal gratification and attention (narcissistic supply), in social dominance and personal ambition, bragging, insensitivity to others, lack of empathy and/or excessive dependence on others to meet his/her responsibilities in daily living and thinking. Pathological narcissism is at the core of the narcissistic personality disorder."

What happens when such an individual faces disappointments, setbacks, failures, criticism and disillusionment?

They "resolve" these recurrent frustrations by developing personality disorders.

The Narcissistic Solution – The patient creates and projects an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent False Self that largely replaces and represses the discredited and dilapidated True Self. He uses the False Self to garner narcissistic supply (attention, both positive and negative) and thus support his inflated fantasies. Both the Narcissistic and the Schizotypal Personality Disorders belong here because both involve grandiose, fantastic, and magical thinking. When the narcissistic solution fails, we have the Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The Borderline patient's awareness that the solution that she had opted for is "not working" generates in her an overwhelming separation anxiety (fear of abandonment), an identity disturbance, affective and emotional lability, suicidal ideation, and suicidal action, chronic feelings of emptiness, rage attacks, and transient (stress related) paranoid ideation.

The Appropriation Solution – This solution involves the appropriation of someone else's imagined (and, therefore, confabulated and false) self instead of one's dysfunctional True Self. Such people live vicariously, through others, and by proxy. Consider the Histrionic Personality Disorder. Histrionics sexualize and objectify others and then internalize (introject) them. Lacking an inner reality (True Self) they over-rate and over-emphasise their bodies. Histrionics and other "appropriators" misjudge the intimacy of their faux relationships and the degree of commitment involved. They are easily suggestible and their senses of self and self-worth shift and fluctuate with input from the outside (narcissistic supply). Another example of this type of solution is the Dependent Personality Disorder (codependents). Manipulative mothers who "sacrifice" their lives for their children, "drama queens", and people with factitious disorders (for instance, Munchausen Syndrome) also belong to this category.

The Schizoid Solution – Sometimes the emergence of the False Self is stunted or disrupted. The True Self remain immature and dysfunctional but it is not replaced by a functioning narcissistic defense mechanism. Such patients are mental zombies, trapped forever in the no-man's land between infancy and adulthood. They lack empathy, their psychosexual life is impoverished, they prefer to avoid contact with others, and withdraw from the world. The Schizotypal Personality Disorder is a mixture of the narcissistic and the schizoid solutions. The Avoidant Personality Disorder is a close kin.

In my book "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited", I described the Aggressive Destructive Solution thus:

"The Aggressive Destructive Solution – These people suffer from hypochondriasis, depression, suicidal ideation, dysphoria, anhedonia, compulsions and obsessions and other expressions of internalized and transformed aggression directed at a self which is perceived to be inadequate, guilty, disappointing and worthy of nothing but elimination. Many of the narcissistic elements are present in an exaggerated form. Lack of empathy becomes reckless disregard for others, irritability, deceitfulness and criminal violence. Undulating self-esteem is transformed into impulsiveness and failure to plan ahead. The Antisocial Personality Disorder is a prime example of this solution, whose essence is: the total control of a False Self, without the mitigating presence of a shred of True Self.

I tend to believe that malignant self love underlies all known personality disorders. Granted, different attributes and traits are emphasized in each personality disorder. But they all share the foundation of a failed personal psychological and psychosocial evolution. They are all the lamentable end results of stunted and compensatory trajectories of deformed growth and development."

make money writing on the internet.

Business, Business Opportunity, Marketing, Advertising, Home Business

Article Body:
There is money to made writing for cash, especially on the Internet. One of the best opportunities to make money writing for cash is in the field of search engine optimized keyword articles. Over the last two years, this industry has exploded into a market worth hundreds of thousands of dollars for enterprising freelance writers.

Basically, this writing for cash opportunity works as follows. Businesses want to attract as many visitors to their websites as possible, and the top way to draw visitors who wouldn’t otherwise come is through web searches. These companies hire writers or an article provider that commissions writers to write short articles containing common keyword phrases that are related to their business. When the company posts these articles on their website, anyone searching for these keyword phrases with search engines like Google end up seeing the business’s web page at the top of their search results. This increases the chances that people will click into their website.

Search engine optimized keyword articles are a great way to earn money writing for cash because the work is steady and usually very easy for experienced writers. There is also a lot of demand. On the down side, this writing for cash option can often be very tedious and the per word pay is extremely low. However, once you get the hang on it and can start producing quickly, the per hour rate is dependent on how fast you as an individual writer produce and can be pretty decent.

Writing for cash with these types of opportunities is by no means the road to fame and fortune as a writer. However, if you wish to put your writing talents and abilities to use and make real money writing for cash, getting involved with search engine optimized keyword articles is a great way to bring in some extra cash.

Having the markers, tanks, guns, vests and other equipment complete the excitement when you plan to play paintball. But little do others know that it is the small and simple things that count even before the game begins. Sometimes the little accessories that are locked in a toolbox are all that are needed to complete a paintball game. A toolbox is the first aid kit of the game; if anything goes wrong that is unexpected or unavoidable, there is no reason to fret.

The gun’s manual: there are instances in the game when the gun has to undergo “intensive surgery”. Guns differ from each other regardless of the physical similarities of some. If that time comes when it needs to be disassembled, the manual can make it easier to put it all back together. Try to find manuals with problem solving ideas, they really help.

Reserve batteries: some guns require batteries to function. It would be such a waste of time if in the middle of the game the batteries died and you could not continue to play so keep new batteries available.

Allen wrench to the rescue: some players have either inherited their guns from their friends or bought second-hand guns. If you did not get a set of Allen wrenches when you bought the gun buy a set from a hardware store and be sure to keep them handy.

Oil ole’! Make sure that there is a small can of oil for the paintball gun inside the box as well. Sometimes weather dictates if the gun needs oiling; be sure to get the specific oil type recommended by the manual for the gun.

Mask lens as spare: when worse comes to worst, mask lens’ will either become blurry or scratched. Don’t hesitate to replace them if your vision is impaired as this really affects how the game is played.

Squeegee anyone? Carrying one on the field is enough during a game, so why not bring a replacement if anything goes wrong? It saves time for playing rather than looking for a squeegee.

Cupseals and reserved O-rings: some players do not know that O-rings and cup seals can be damaged easily and this will hurt the paintball gun big time so it is a must to replace the cupseal before this happens.

And for the player, always have a neck guard around to save the neck from those disturbing shots that hit your neck. There may be a team available to do first aid when something goes wrong but it would make sense to carry a personal first aid kit. Carry around spare basic safety “gadgets” like a mask, gloves, and pads and have a worry free paintball game.

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